Ted Swiet Revisited

The exhibition "Fragmentalism", currently on display at Lois Lambert Gallery is going strong, so we will quickly look back at the last time Ted's Pieces were creating a stir at the Gallery  

screen-shot-2015-02-26-at-5-00-03-pmexploding briefcase chandelier 48"x48"x36"copyright 2006 Ted Swiet

The chandeliers I create incorporate iconic cultural objects to emphasize the fragile sense of stability. They are reflection of current political, economic, and individual security. It is about the impact of change and the fragile relationship of it becoming oppression or opportunity.

Wasp Chandelier: Ted Swiet, 48"x38"x50" Mechanical robotic chandelier created from salvaged machine parts, aluminum, and resin

Swiet's current exhibition will be on display through November 13th and can be viewed online at www.loislambertgallery.com
