Kevin Beer’s studio space is more of a toy workshop. His doll pieces, costumes, and found materials hang from the ceiling or the walls waiting for their turn in the spotlight, just as one would assume paintbrushes and paint tubes wait to be used. One can’t help but assign Beer’s inanimate objects a likeness to living beings.
Beer begins his process with the idea of a visual story and the characters of the story. For him it’s more important to develop a real character within a narrative than to create something strange. Once in the workshop he begins executing the idea by using materials directly provided by nature and his electric collection. In that stage of development, it becomes about solving the visual problem with the materials at his disposal. The taxidermies used in his art are all collected pieces that he finds in antique shops and flea markets.
Kevin Beer has been trained in the arts since he was 12 years old. He studied at the Santa Barbara Art Institute and the University of California, Santa Barbara.